The burgeoning cannabis industry has evolved from a counter-culture movement into a thriving economic force. As the demand for cannabis products continues to grow, businesses in this sector face a unique challenge – finding qualified talent. Whether operating in states where cannabis has long been legalized or in emerging markets, the competition for skilled professionals […]
As a small business owner, navigating the complex landscape of employee benefits can be a daunting task. In the ever-evolving world of work, offering competitive benefits is not just an option but a necessity to attract and retain top talent. As an HR consultant with Evolved HRX, I understand the unique challenges faced by small […]
As small businesses embark on the journey of growth, one aspect that often goesunderestimated is the proper classification of employees. Employee classifications play a pivotalrole in shaping the foundation of a company, impacting compliance, payroll, and overalloperational success. In this blog, we’ll delve into why getting employee classifications right, withthe help of HR, is crucial […]
In the whirlwind of launching a start-up or running a small business, hiring your first employeecan be a landmark moment. While the focus often lies on finding the right candidate, it’s equallyimportant to recognize the pivotal role of the onboarding experience. Consulting humanresource experts, such as Evolved HRX, even before the first hire, is a […]
As businesses embark on the journey of growth, one often overlooked aspect is the strategicimplementation of employee benefits. In this blog, we’ll explore how HR, with the expertise ofEvolved HRX, can play a pivotal role in researching, designing, and implementingcomprehensive employee benefits programs, including health and retirement plans, for new andscaling businesses. Navigating the Benefits […]
In the fast-paced world of entrepreneurship, where every decision can make or break abusiness, the importance of human resources (HR) support cannot be overstated. Often,solopreneurs, start-ups, and small businesses find themselves navigating the challenges ofcapital, cash flow, and prioritization without realizing the indispensable role that HR plays in theirsuccess. Evolved HRX, a firm founded by […]